New Feature Film: “My Last Best Friend”


This suspense thriller, set in New York City between March and April of 2020, at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, features two men, both named Walter Stoyanov (both played by Eric Roberts). They live two very peculiar lives; they live under the same roof, and they take turns leaving the house.

The two men watch their lives getting turned upside down, as one of them falls ill and the other is investigated by FBI Special Agent John McCallany. Charles was excited to return to live performing in a very quiet NYC as part of this production to play Doctor Bouley. Note the Covid beard… that’s for real.

Eric Roberts stars in “My Last Best Friend”

“My Last Best Friend” premiered July 28th with a special Q&A screening, and is rolling out in select theaters nationwide now.

Check your listings for shows near you.

Categorized as Acting